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What happened to the GitHub one?

Sorry. I've been exposed to new ideas and somewhat radically restructured my opinions on open-source. I now stand for ethical-source software.

This project will still be offered under the MIT License, because I think it would be really rude (even more rude than I've already been by briefly taking the project offline and then rehosting it elsewhere (sorry!!!! again!!!!)) to take a project that has any users whatsoever and suddenly make the license more restrictive.

However, it will now be hosted here on my Forgejo instance, because I don't feel continuing to use GitHub is in line with ethical-source software principles. I mean, it's not extremely out of line with those principles. But it's a little bit out of line with them, and, though it embarrasses me to admit, I'm a really gung-ho sort of person, bordering on, if not outright eclipsing, what might be described as dogmatic, so if I can plausibly do otherwise, a little bit out of line is a no-go.